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Sunday, March 16, 2008

From High Tech to Low Tech

A growing number of ex-dot-comers are starting businesses from scratch in low-tech fields and locating in low-tech areas of cities. Two such entrepreneurs are Paul and NaTasha Anthony, laid-off claim representative of insurance company for a small private business. In 2004, they used funds from personal savings, credit cards, and friends to open GENYE IN A BASKET in South Orange, New Jersey.

Paul and NaTasha spent months researching different Suppliers, Distributors and Manufacturers before selecting the perfect company to do business with GENYE IN A BASKET. Currently, we employs five people to prepare and serve these fine gourmet gift baskets and beautiful flowers.

Paul and NaTasha were inspired to start their business after watching a video documentary about gift basket vendors. “Everybody seemed so happy when they received a gourmet gift baskets or fresh exotic flowers”, they recalls. “I said, “That’s the type of excitement we want in our next job.”

GENYE IN A Basket’s is located in a former warehouse, with concrete walls, rough wooden beams, light bulbs, and pine tables. The company is a virtual storefront that allows customers to have access to over eighty gift baskets and beautiful flowers.

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