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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Broker Learns How to Increase Sales and Support

Suzie Scott quit. Once she saw the sales numbers, Scott knew it was time to stop ordering gift certificates as employee rewards and be­gan looking for a better gift to increase productivity.

As vice president of sales for Mort Rickey, the nation's leading real estate broker, Scott realized that her staff needed more motivation to close sales that slipped away each month. After all, the real estate market was booming.

Each sales manager is responsible for over $10 million in assets. To stay ahead of upstart firms looking to slice into Mort Rickey's pie, Scott searched for alternative ways to get her managers thinking out of the box.

"When I received a gift basket from Genye In A Basket, I knew her baskets were the answer," said Scott. She called a staff meeting and laid out plans for a new sales campaign.
First, she'd have each manager visit past customers to renew old relationships. Next, every region would be checked for unique pur­chasing opportunities and methods to sell new acquisitions to cur­rent clients. Last, each sales manager would receive a basket of corporate gifts and personal items based on their sales performance and productivity.

"It's a win-win proposal for the entire force." said Scott, who or­dered 1,000 gift baskets last month to distribute to the entire team. Ready to challenge your staff and boost productivity? Call us today or visit

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